Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not Very Good at House Repairs

So, this past week while my roommate was off romping around in Kazakhstan, I decided to take upon myself the task of fixing up stuff around the house. Nothing to big mind you, just simple stuff, cleaning my swamp cooler (it kind of smells like fish when you turn it on), sealing up the cracks in my bathroom and kitchen so ants stop coming in, etc. So I went and bought a couple cans of foam insulation and caulk and jumped into action. First I tackled my swamp cooler. I popped off the sides, and found a good inch of sand/mud on the bottom. Ewwww. I couldn't figure out anyway to drain it (I didn't notice the plug that you could just pull out), so I tried scooping it out with a cup. After about 15 minutes of that, I had an epiphany - I could use my fish tank syphon tube, so that it would drain without me! Happy, I went and grabbed it and stuck it in the ac. I came back a half hour later to the ac, now only with a half inch of mud water, as the water was now to shallow to use the syphon on. Therefor, I decided to move on the easier task of the cracks around the house, and return the ac later. On the foam cans, the instructions are pretty simple, point and shoot kinda' stuff, with the warning to wear hand and eye protection, yadda yadda, anyways I was like "Meh, I'm not an idiot, I'm not going to get this stuff all over my hands and face" so I just put on a pair of shades and got right to work sealing major cracks inside and outside of my house. Things went quite nicely, I filled in all of the major cracks and I went to put away the can, when I realized it was stuck to my hand. I ripped it off, and realized that apparently, the foam had spatted back at my hand while I had been filling the cracks. I wasn't worried, I went to wash my hands and remove it. Apparently water and soap just delays the drying, it doesn't actually remove it. A half hour and repeated washings later, both hands were sticky as it spread from on hand to the other while washing, and I was getting hungry and it was getting dark, so I put on some plastic gloves so that I could type and google a cure to remove foam insulation. Apparently it takes freaking acetone or nail polish remover to get rid of it. So I had to let it dry on both hands so that I looked like a leper and the next day at work I immersed my hands in nail polish remover to get most of it off.

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