Monday, August 9, 2010


On Friday, while I was at work, I left my windows down. And of course, when I went inside, it was nice and sunny, that afternoon it started to pour buckets of rain in the way that only New Mexico can, so I came back to my car with my doors and seats soaking wet and smelling (already) like wet dog. Sitting gingerly on my wet seat, trying to lean to the right to the more dry side, I drove home. When I arrived home, parking my car on the street, I could hear the distant, muted sounds of an organ playing ominously in the distance. I ran through the rain to my house and as I got closer I realized my roommate was playing some creepy organ music as he did stuff around the house. It was like some classic horror movie with Dracula or something, where the main character is lost and his car breaks down in a rainstorm and he goes to the nearby spooky manor for a telephone.

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