Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Pinky

I was at a friend's house drinking and playing Halo, when I went to grab and another drink my friend asked if I would grab him one too. So I went to the fridge, and grabbed two bottles of Mike's hard lemonade, and I had to hold them in one arm while I closed the fridge...and that is when it happened. One of the bottles fell out of the crook of my arm and fell to the floor. With lightning speed and excellent depth perception, I whipped my other hand and caught it within inches of the ground, right on the tip of my pinky. It then proceeded to fall another inch or two and onto the floor, but my pinky took most of the force of the drop, so it was ok. My pinky, however, was not. I spent the next hour or playing video games and nursing my pinky. It really, really hurt and I don't know why it hurt so much.

Photo included for reference. That's a bottle of Mikes. In front of a tree. For...errr...scale

The moral of this story? Most trees are bigger than bottles of Mike's, unfortunately.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog is Now Fully Operational

...though admittedly there is still some minor construction going on. Careful up there! I think it needs some sort of "Opening Day Ceremony" kinda like this...

...much better

Two good Tiger Tanks Vids

Tiger Ace

"...and on the fifth day of the battle, he knew that he had left behind him 30 wrecked t-34's, 28 Soviet Anti-tank guns, and two batteries of artillery destroyed"

Meh, I think Tiger Tanks are overrated, but they still are a legit tank :D

This video is ridiculous too, these things were beastly

Unkillable Tiger

Sweet Band

This band is called A Skylit Drive, they are a punky/screamy-ish band, but I really like their sound. The singers voice is amazing, I love how it, especially when he drags it out right before the chorus. Here is the song of theirs I can't stop listening to, I listened to it all day at work, kept hitting play over and over...

Fun game to play as you watch the video - is the singer a guy or a girl? Lol I had to look it up to find out.

My Pledge

Martin Treplow, and American soldier in WWI, wrote an entry titled "My Pledge" in his diary, "America must win this war. Therefor, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure"

Martin died in that same war

Monday, April 12, 2010


Now that I have my own blog, I finally have an outlet for my minds madness! It shall be a sluice gate (is that even a correct word? I doesn't matter, it's my blog, hahahahaha!) Now there is no barrier between you and my madness! I shall pour forth my madness, my cruelty, and forge a One Ring to ru-


I'll try to keep it clean.